Disciple the Nations

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Disciple the Nations front cover.jpg

Disciple the Nations

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The last command that Jesus gave to his disciples while he was on earth was to go forth and disciple the nations. Scripture tells us that he will return when this task has been completed and all the nations of the earth have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ (Rev. 11:15). Many Christians, however, misunderstand the Great Commission as a command the make disciples of people from all nations. This is not what Jesus commanded his disciples to do in the Great Commission. Rather, he commanded us to disciple the nations, i.e. to make Christian nations.

Today this vision of all nations submitting to the Lord Jesus Christ has been replaced by a vision for mere Church planting. As a result the Great Commission has gone into reverse and the nations of the West have begun decommissioning themselves as Christian nations, and missions to the non-Christian world have largely become Church planting organisations. But Jesus did not tell us to plant Churches. He said he would build his assembly, his ecclesia. He told us to disciple the nations.

All men must and one day will bow the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ and acknowledge him as ruler of all nations. Our task is to seek and work for this now on earth. The Lord Jesus will not return until all nations have submitted to him as Lord and this vision has become the reality of life on earth. In order to accomplish this we need a full-scale renaissance of the Christian faith. The purpose of this book is to propose a way forward to the realisation of that full-scale renaissance of the Christian faith and the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

Author: Stephen Perks

Paperback | 84 pages | £7.50, plus postage | ISBN: 978-1-909145-03-0

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